Tuesday 3 July 2012

Why Panzer Dragoon is better than Sonic

The ever-loved Panzer Dragoon Saga for the Sega Saturn is a treasure to covet by both ninjas wizards, and even orangutans like myself. Is this where Sega should have gone off instead of that blue hedgehog who can't see how lame his 3D escapades are? Of course the quadruple-disk set is the holiest of games on the Sega Saturn which I might add is the most underrated console in the universe. Truly more people should buy this console from Amazon and play it to death alongside a mixture of extreme leprosy and lung cancer.
 Is this the viking funeral of the God Baldur who died for our love of gaming? Is this the dragon-filled dream of the half-dead one known as Cthulhu? Is this the final game of the Sega Saturn in America!?
 Indeed, it seems that all of the above are right. So why bother with this? Why not go to the next thing? Why let Sonic run the Sega Universe? Truly it was the correct thing to do. Haha.

This is a book that will allow you-the reader-to relive your life without consequences or regrets. Purchase this book off Amazon and help this orangutan leave England as well as actually buy Panzer Dragoon Saga, Panzer Dragoon Orta, and Panzer Zwei simply by buying this book. May the anti-Christian book be the way to American freedom. It's tough to be an orangutan in England. Without being able to eat fresh food, I am always foraging through trees for fruit. Trust me, it's fucking terrible. The trees in England only have apples and pears. Only at certain times of the year! Most of the time I look in the garbage or eat eggs that mama birds leave behind. Please, I beg you to buy it!